Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Does MoreVisas Thrive on Fraud or Scams?

Does MoreVisas Thrive on Fraud or Scams? 

If you thought “fraud”… from the perspective of a frustrated employee (or a deranged rival) then this is for you!!! 

I think its human mentality to “look” for flaws in everything because we are conditioned to believe that nothing and nobody are perfect. Rightfully so! In that case, no business is perfect as it is continuously evolving and growing and there are bound to be hiccups. However, to say that a company thrives on fraud or scams is just plain spiteful…and ignorant! 

Let me give you an example. You plan on going to a restaurant. Can you guarantee that you will get good food or good service on that specific day??? No right. If you do receive good food and excellent service, you might or might not leave a review on “Zomato”, but God forbid you don’t receive good food or good service, then you will definitely leave a “detailed review” lambasting the brand/restaurant, with your complete name and the particulars of the food you had and the waiter’s name as well. Now THAT is a legitimate concern by an authentic person

When someone leaves a nasty review online, without any strong foundation or genuine cause for concern, it proves that the person(s) is/are doing so just with the intention of purely harming the name of a company or its representatives out of hostility (or hormone management issues!!!). Think about it for a minute…if MoreVisas really did commit fraud or scammed people by promising them the moon, we’d have been in serious trouble by now! Any individual who pays INR 30 to 70 thousand per service will not take bad service lightly. If we as a company screwed up, we’d be accountable to thousands of clients! 

So where are our clients today??? 

They are settled in their preferred countries with our help...

or they are still in the process. 

And where are the “real frauds”???

They are safe behind their computer screens, writing inaccurate reviews with no real name, no real picture, no client ID, and no details of anything legitimate whatsoever!

So we (MoreVisas) are still here. 

And we will continue to be here for a long time to come. Doing what we do best - Delivering excellent and credible client service and being trusted by clients worldwide! 

* d r o p s   m i c r o p h o n e   a n d   f a d e s   i n t o   a w e s o m e n e s s *